When you go to university or college to study arts, accounting or biology and start to experience technological evolution, you are probably kicking yourself for not choosing a more promising major like STEM (science, technology engineering and math). You feel left out and behind in the race of technology and wonder if you can ever keep up with the demand and if all your chances are lost.
Suppose you are ever thinking about using AI in your business, whether improving some business process or commercializing a business solution. The first question that many non-technical founders or business leaders ask themselves is, should I even bother teaching myself AI?
There is so much to learn when it comes to computer science, and not having a solid background, you maybe think it is not realistic to be able to apply to your new business idea in AI.
Well, I am here to tell you that you don’t need to learn everything about AI to be successful. All you need is digital literacy or AI literacy on topics surrounding AI and the various tools to help solve your problem.
You don’t need to master the topic like someone who is a professional in machine learning. It is unnecessary time to spend when you must be focused on building products that deliver value and managing how to provide value.
The basics of AI are enough to get you through, and what you need to know should focus on: What are AI and all of the subfields of AI? What tools and techniques are available to solve the problem I want to address, and what AI governance do I have in place to ensure that I comply with the law?
As a non-tech manager, you want to see yourself as a conductor. You understand enough to know when the music is in tune and when it is out of tune. You don’t need to learn and play each instrument to succeed. Just enough to know and understand, you can lead others with the skills and knowledge to help deliver.